
FAQ's for PA's

What is a Personal Assistant (PA)

A Personal Assistant is a professional who provides personal, administrative and organisational support to an individual. 

What is a self-employed PA?

A self-employed PA is a professional who works independently and offers their services directly to their clients. They are not employed by a care agency or an organisation.

What kind of tasks can a PA help with?

A PA can help with a wide range of tasks, including personal hygiene, meal preparation, medication management, housekeeping, shopping, and transportation. They work with clients who may be elderly, disabled, or recovering from an illness or injury.

What training or qualifications do I need to hold to become a self-employed PA?

To become a self-employed PA, you'll ideally hold relevant training, qualifications or experience, such as a Care Certificate/Diploma in Health and Social Care or practical experience of working in a care setting.

What if I do not hold any qualifications?

With Match my PA, we are committed to helping PA's to develop and as such, you will have access to a range of training courses, including the Care Certificate, Diploma in Health & Social Care and many online courses, for which you will receive the certificates to add to your own, professional care portfolio.

Why should I become a self employed PA?

Being a self-employed carer offers several advantages, including the flexibility to set your own schedule, choose your clients, and determine your own rates. You can also build close relationships with your clients and provide personalised care that meets their specific needs. 

If you decide to pursue self-employment as a PA, it is important to market yourself effectively on the Match my PA portal, build a strong reputation, and provide high-quality care to your clients. Joining a platform such as Match my PA, will ensure that you have access to database of potential clients, which will help you to grow your PA business.

How do I manage my own taxes and accounts?

As a self-employed PA, you will be responsible for managing your own taxes.

Match my PA offers free and full support with this process, which includes helping you to understand the requirements including registering for self assessment and maintaining records. 

Match my PA provides you with your own personal, digital Self Employed Book Keeping document, which will help you to keep on top of your records. In addition to providing you with the training and support you need in this area, Match my PA will also offer additional support, if it is required.

Consider getting professional advice: If you are unsure about how to manage your taxes as a self-employed personal assistant for care, you may want to consider getting professional advice from an accountant or tax advisor which we can recommend, if required.

It's important to keep up with your tax obligations as a self-employed individual in the UK to avoid any penalties or fines.

How do I get started with Match my PA?

Simply fill out the registration form by clicking sign up

Once you have registered, we will contact you to discuss the next steps, including the verification process.

What is the verification process?

As part of the verification process, we will ask you to complete some online forms and upload some documents to our secure portal.

We will verify professional references, work history and DBS checks. We will request copies of all formal training completed and enrol you on to any training that is recommended in your role as a professional PA. 

We will support you with registering yourself as self employed.

Part of the verification process involves meeting you at our office or via an online meeting, to discuss your account and ensure that we have everything you need to create a Match my PA profile.

What information will I need to upload?

A recent profile photo

Two professional references (if you have a problem accessing 2 professional references, please speak to our friendly team)

Your DBS (dated within the last 3 years or on the Update Service)

Proof you have the right to work in the UK

A short paragraph which outlines your personal qualities and care experience.

Do I need to have a DBS?

Yes, you need to hold a Basic or an Enhanced DBS.

Your DBS should be in date of 3 years or be on the Update Service. It ensures your DBS is kept in date and works out cheaper than applying for new DBS each time.

How do I set up my own profile?

The Match my PA portal provides you with an easy to use template for uploading your information to the platform.

You are responsible for keeping your Match my PA profile live and current.

To get the most out of your Match my PA experience, your profile should show your potential clients who you are. You should optimise your profile by explaining about yourself, including information such as what previous experience you have, your strengths, qualifications etc.

How do self-employed PA's find clients?

Self-employed PA's who are registered and verified with Match my PA, will have access to our online platform, where clients seeking care services will advertise their jobs and you can register your interest to find the right match for you.

When I have been matched with clients, will I be able to continue to use the platform?

Yes, sure! As a verified user, you will have access to the platform at all times. You can use the platform to find further clients as you build your PA business.

Will I have to sign a Service Agreement?

When you have been matched with a client, you will be able to chat via the Match my PA portal. During your discussions, you will agree on the terms of your Agreement. The e-Service Agreement will be signed by both parties and held on your own files within the portal. This will contain information such as agreed working days and times and the charge rates.

As a self employed PA, you are responsible for ensuring that you have agreed your charge rates with your clients, ahead of starting your journey together. You can access the Agreement on the Match my PA portal, which is then held on your Match my PA account.

How do I set up a Service Agreement?

You can create a Service Agreement on the Match my PA portal . The template is ready for you to use, you simply have to go to 'Service Agreements' and fill in the details. It will automatically be sent over to the client who will check that they agree with the terms.

What if we decide to change the Agreement to increase or reduce hours?

The Agreement can be changed at any time, by mutual agreement. Simply contact the Match my PA team at [email protected]

Why do we need to have a Service Agreement?

The Service Agreement is the document that enters you and your client into a contractual arrangement. This is required to ensure that you are both aware of the expectations of the service you have entered in to. It also ensures that you get paid for the hours you have agreed to work and that you have insurance in place to cover agreed hours.

What is the rate of pay?

You, as a self-employed PA, set your own charge rates.

However, we believe that carers should get paid above the real living wage. Because of this, we have a recommended £16.00ph minimum charge.

To give you a rough guide - the average rate charged on the platform is £19.00ph for standard care hours.

What are Match my PA's fees?

Match my PA charge a fee of 6% on all shift invoices created on the platform. Example; if you set your rate at the average of £19.00ph, you will receive £17.86ph.

This fee is the lowest in the sector. It covers the advertising of your profile, marketing to local clients, self-employed carer insurance, assistance with PAYE, care sector training, our secure payment system and ongoing support from our friendly team.

How do I invoice my clients?

Match my PA handle all financial transactions, meaning the process is simple and straightforward for all involved.

We generate the client invoice via the Match my PA portal. Match my PA will then forward the invoice to the client and arrange for the payment to be made to you, on the clients behalf, the following week.

Payments are sent to PA's nominated bank accounts on Fridays.

Payments are made on the Clients behalf, via the Match my PA portal. Copies of all invoices can be forwarded to you, on request.

What if the client does not agree to pay for the hours I have worked?

Match my PA will pursue unsettled invoices with the client, as per your Service Agreement. In the event of refusal to pay for services, you will be advised to terminate your Service Agreement with the client, as per the Terms & Conditions laid out in your Agreement. 

Match my PA guarantee to pay you for the hours work subject to a signed service agreement.

Clients who fail to pay for services received, will be removed from the Match my PA database.

Can my client hire me directly?

Off-platform and cash payments are not accepted. If your client would like to employ you directly and transact offsite, they will be liable to pay a recruitment fee of £2000+VAT. In addition, both you and the client will subsequently be removed from the Match my PA platform.

Can I still work for my current employer while I work as a self employed PA?

Yes, you can work via the Match my PA platform and remain in your current job. Just make sure that you still register as self-employed as this is how you will be working when working with Match my PA.

What do I do if I am unable to attend my agreed shifts due to sickness?

Match my PA encourages you to be part of a team of PA's. This means that your client has multiple PA's in their team and can call upon another member of the team to cover holidays or emergences.

You are responsible for ensuring that your clients are aware of any sickness' or issues with attending your planned visits as soon as possible.

It is advisable that there is a small team of PA's that work agreed visits with each client. This will ensure that cover can be arranged at short notice, in case of an emergency.

If they are unable to cover the hours with a member of the PA team, the client can send out a notification to the all PA's on the database, requesting emergency cover.

You will be invited to join the Match my PA WhatsApp group, where upon the clients consent, cover can be sought in the event of an emergency.

What if I am on Annual Leave?

You should give as much notice as possible to a client if you are planning a holiday and together, you should try to introduce other PA's to your clients ahead of your holidays. However, the choice of who covers your shift is always that of the client and they can choose a different carer to the one you suggest.

You and your clients will agree planned rest days/time off and cover will be arranged within the PA team or via the Match my PA portal, where temporary cover can be advertised to local, self employed PA's who are on the database.

Will I be required to hold my own Liability Insurance?

Match my PA provides Self Employed Carer Insurance Cover as part of the service provided. This insurance is covered by Match my PA's fees. The insurance provided is valid for all hours worked, as laid out in the Service Agreement. It is important that you keep your Service Agreements up to date, to ensure that insurance is valid and invoices/payments are accurate. 

Where do I get support?

We are here to help! If you have any questions or concerns about using the Match my PA platform, you can get in touch with our friendly team via email – [email protected] or call 0151 829 1515