
Match my PA - Helping you to find the right match!

Matching Personal Assistants with local, care vacancies

Home Careworker

Match my PA

Match my PA are a local personalised service, providing a platform that puts the person who requires care and support, in control of their own care.

Clients can advertise their job, search, meet and match their preferred PA to their own personal care needs, providing all individuals with access to affordable, high quality care.

Personal Assistants have access to a range of live jobs in their own local area, enabling them to search, meet and match jobs, with their own skills, experience and availability. PA's receive a competitive and much deserved, hourly rate of pay.

Choice, control and value form the basis of the professional working relationship which reduces the need to involve an agency and therefore, the fees are kept low and the PA's pay is kept high.

Find the right match for you, in three simple steps

Advertise your job

Your job will be made available to all PA's that match your requirements.

PA's can review your job and let you know if they are interested in applying.

View the profiles of all interested PA's

You can filter through the list of interested
carers and shortlist the PA's who match your criteria.

Discuss and arrange to meet

Message your chosen PA's and get to know each other. Discuss your vacancy and agree on the requirements of the role, including working hours and rates etc. Arrange to meet the PA or PA's that you feel are a good match.

So, how does it all work?

Match my PA is easy to get started with and simple to use!

Match my PA is an online introductory service which offers a platform for customers and local self-employed PA’s to find each other, using profile matching.  

Once you have registered with us, you will have access to our portal where you can: 

  • Post jobs 
  • View jobs 
  • View Profiles
  • Chat to each other  
  • Book visits 
  • Make and receive payments 

Match my PA have a friendly team on hand ready to assist both PA’s and Clients with any questions. We can even support individuals with creating their profile and arranging PA introductory meetings.